First, a thank you to everyone for the well wishes, texts, calls, & oh so memorable photos from years past. It’s always humbling to hear from the tribe of which you’ve been blessed to become a part via firehose on a single day. The big birthday weekend was a blast with a quick trip to Palm Beach for dinner, a comedy show, & a day on the boat with old friends and new. We wrapped it up with dinner at my dad’s place for the best swordfish I’ve ever eaten. Truly a great weekend.

As always, a birthday lends itself to reflection on choices made, efforts put in, and what can be done moving forward. All I can say is that this year has been a growth year. People have changed, places have changed. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve fallen off the rails a couple of times but attention, focus, and love are winning out.
I’ve spent 2022 working toward a few big hairy goals:
- An average of at least 1 hour in the gym per day with targeted goals and timelines.
- Optimal clean food & drink to feed this machine I work so hard.
- Significant reduction in beverage… my poison of choice, to keep my mind focused and my ambition heightened.
- Accept nothing less than what I’m worth for the work that I put into a project or person.
I’ve got the best life coach a person could wish for. Carol my Love, you mean the world to me and I’m working hard to earn the love you’ve shown and taught me. You were right so many years ago. Love Wins! You want to be successful in business? Do what you love. You want to live a peaceful life, surround yourself with those who you love and want the best for you. You want true joy? Love yourself and do the things that prove that you do, every day.
At home we’ve picked up biohacking and made it a priority. A combination of clean living, organic foods, research, hard work, and data points (my favorite) are helping us to life a happy, motivated life together. We’re active and picking up new sports and hobbies because it feels good.
I’m automating the minutia of life and focusing on the big rocks to keep me focused. All these years in consulting and I’m finally heeding my own advise. My professional projects are fun and rewarding and I don’t drown myself in the tedium.
I’m growing my consistency in the things that make me a better human. Workouts are becoming more focused, even when I’m dragging or lacking motivation. I’m picking up the PHONE for a change and learning to have real conversations. It’s a lost art that is truly rewarding. I’m showing gratitude for every one and every thing I’m blessed with in this amazing little life.
Finally, I’m opening my self up to the amazing that is yet to come. I know this life is a great one and I’m looking forward to all it will become for all of us together. If you see me say hello! If I’m in the gym, wave or yell. I’m probably zoned out with the music blasting in my AirPods. If you’re interested in something I post, get in touch! I’ll connect you with whomever I can.
I can’t thank my love, Carol, my business partners, and my long time friends enough for the year I’ve had and I look forward to more awesome through the coming year. Let’s make this our best one yet!
Want to put all your marketing and personal skills to the test? Throw a huge event, states away, with a short lead time. We’re doing just that.

I’ve had the privilege of connecting with the amazing team at Clandestine Events + Experiences out of Austin, TX to assist in what they do best. They make magic happen. They’re the Life of Your Party! Collectively we’re tasked with putting together a festival of food, drink, and entertainment that is wholly Louisville. We’ve teamed with local non-profit partners to match a collection of more than 20 nationally recognized barbeque pitmasters with as many more bourbon distillers of world renown to host Bourbon & Barbeque, Louisville. Together they will offer a chef’s kiss of perfectLy paired dishes and drinks that speak to the uniqueness that is Louisville, KY.
Through site visits, local involvement, and generous product sampling ;)… we’re combining a mix of digital presence, social outreach and syndication to quickly get the word out about this amazing real-world experience that Clandestine is putting together. Look for everything from live music to a fully programmed education pavilion to complement the food and drink and for the REAL experience, make sure you go VIP. Our team and sponsors are going all out to make every minute of Bourbon & Barbeque, Louisville the first of what will become the go-to annual event on the Waterfront.
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